Season Two



Coming Soon!

Ian Warrander:

25 years ago UEO seaQuest DSV 4600-II was launched on screen in ‘Daggers’, launched in fiction in 2021 after her predecessor was destroyed in 2019. Externally they are the same but the internal spaces were significantly updated and the majority of the crew changed.

‘Daggers’ (the opening episode of season 2) gave us a wider look at the technology of the SeaQuest universe as well as introducing us to a new vessel in addition to the DSV 4600-II, that vessel was the Navis 18 Submersible. The Navis 8 was “Fully operational, cleared in stealth and satellite recon, all phases of extreme R-7 evasives.”, which translates to “An undetectable, self-contained war station.” Although size and speed is unknown she was not built for underwater combat, armed with only enough torpedoes for 2 full barrages. Instead its intended use was to hide from the enemy and use the S-10 defence satellites to hit targets from space.

On the technology side, humans in the SeaQuest universe were reliant on oxygen regenerators, following the destruction of the rain forests and the near extinction of plankton due to the Beta-9 toxic spill. There were 10 built in total 3 of the largest were located in Australia, New England and in the Congo region, these and another large plant produce 92% of the Earth’s oxygen requirements.

We were also introduced to genetically engineered life forms, referred to as GELF’s or more commonly as Daggers, as described by the Episodes opening text; “Dark age of genetics: A period dating between 2001 and 2003 when genetically engineered, human-like life forms were manufactured solely for the purpose of waging war. Outlawed in 2004 by United Nations Resolution G-932.” They were made to be the perfect soldier, 50 of the final form were made, they were able to survive even with oxygen levels at less than 8%, but designed without the ability to procreate. After they were outlawed they were kept secure on an island where they focused on art and dance. Not all the GELF’s were kept on the island, prototypes such as Dagwood which was an Alpha Model K were allowed to work on simple manual tasks for the military.

Not only are the people of the SeaQuest universe experimenting with creating lifeforms but experimenting on ex-cons, through an early release program, one example of this was Tony Piccolo who was genetically altered to have gills, to enable him to breathe underwater…